Belgium, Leuven
I started dancing when I was 4 and I never stopped. In the past years, I had the opportunity to explore different kinds of dance styles, but also different kinds of dance environments.
I think that I have always liked to dance because it was something that was making me feel special and beautiful, more than wearing a fancy dress or a perfect makeup.
It could sound predictable, but I like to dance because it is the moment when I am the closest to my true self and the moment where I like myself the most. To me, it is like going back to when I was a child and I was feeling flawless and soft.
My approach to dancing has always been more technical than emotional, but I am working on this.
I think that I could be the kind of instructor closer to the modern style and I could bring a different kind of mood to the CHDE lesson. I like to think that I will bring a piece of baggage of what I learned in the past and in this way I will finally learn to get in touch with my emotions together with the other girls. I will be a student being a teacher.
Instagram: elena_gambera
email: elenagambera@gmail.com
telephone number: +393467257699