“A truly wonderful experience.”

Helen Harding
Seville, Spain
My name is Helen and I am passionate about sensuality and mindfulness! I write a blog about this topic and my aim is to help women step into their power, reclaim their sensuality and express it in a safe and judgement-free environment.
I love Chair Dance Express classes and I also enjoy burlesque, pole dance, acro chair and exotic dance styles.
I discovered CHDE and I instantly resonated with the concept. I remember feeling so excited because the idea of expressing your feelings and your sensuality through dance is something that makes me feel amazing. I write a blog about sensuality called Mindful Sensuality www.mindfulsensuality.wordpress.com
It is all about helping women to express themselves and their sensuality. I am a big fan of sensual dance having taken burlesque and pole dancing classes but I am not a professional dancer. Just a woman who is passionate about dance and helping women to step into their power and feel good about themselves.
When I did my first CHDE class, I knew it was right for me.
The Instructor Training has been a truly wonderful experience. I felt very supported by Alina who has been there every step of the way. Even though I have never met any of the instructors personally, I feel like they are really lovely women and it is very evident the love and passion that they put into their classes and into this course.
I have learnt so many new things. Really the idea of inventing my own choreographies was so daunting to me and I never knew where to start in the past but this course has given me the tools, knowledge and confidence to make my own choreographies. Now I have so many ideas and I can’t wait to get started!
Whatsapp : +34 633556973
Email: helenthedreamer276@gmail.com
Instagram @helenjusthelen, @mindfulsensuality